Tuesday, April 12, 2011

dreams i have had involving farming

1) I was working on a farm situated on a fairly busy road. I was always worried that the cows would break out of their fence and end up in the road and get hit by a car. I dreamed that I am in the middle of the busy road with a cow that will not go back in the pasture. Cars keep wizzing past us (because obviously that is Connecticut people's reaction to a cow on the road) and I am terrified that one of us will be hit by a car. I hear brakes screech I wake up. A cow never got in the road while I was there. We did have one get on the runway of the municipal airport though.

2) While I was constantly having overly emotional discussions with my (not anymore) husband about having kids I dreamed that my doctor discovered I was pregnant with a set of twin calves. I decided I would carry them to term, and then realized that Holstein calves weigh like 90 pounds when they are born, and I wake up. I'm sure this is some sort of metaphor for my non farming life at the time.

3) Last night I went to sleep thinking about all the stuff I have to do at the farm this week and I dreamed that I get to work and start doing things and totally forget to milk the cows until the vet shows up for the health check at 11:30 and I tell him "oh shit! I forgot to milk the cows! I feel worried that my boss will find out I forgot to milk the cows. Then I wake up. Spring is surely coming.

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