Monday, February 28, 2011

rhinestone cowgirl

Ahh February ... the time of year when dreams of a white Christmas turn into nightmares of a not yet green St. Patricks day. Fear not, gentle readers, the cows and I are still here keeping it real. Turkeys keep coming in the barn if I leave the doors open and then the cows want to attack them. We won an award for the lowest somatic cell count in the state from DHIA. But neither of those things are what I want to tell you about.

I wanted to tell you that farming is hard on my glasses. Last year I pushed my glasses up on my head because they fogged up when I went in the barn, and then 5 minutes later I realized they were gone. I never found them. They fell off in the manger, so I wonder if they are slowly being digested in some heifer's stomach or something. So I got some new ones. Then, about a month ago, I was milking our psycho heifer (who was too psycho we decided and sold her) and she decided to kick my glasses off my face and step on them and they broke into a zillion pieces. So I need to get new glasses again! The farm kindly sprung for a new pair that I could try on before I bought them. But I also wanted to try buying glasses off one of those "cheap eyeglasses on the internet!!!!" websites mainly because I wanted a pair of glasses with rhinestones on the frames and optical expressions never seems to have any in stock.

For those not in the know there are a whole slew of websites that basically get your glasses made in China on the cheap and then mail them to you here. A pair of glasses, with shipping costs between 10-50 dollars depending on what kind of frames you get and what kind of lenses you need. I chose zenni optical because their "try on" system was the easiest for me to figure out. You just upload a picture of yourself, tell the computer where your pupils are, and then it tries whatever frames you want on you. I spent about 3 days looking at different frames and finally decided on #260516 and placed my order (you need to have your prescription and your pupil distance).

I ordered them on the 15th and got them today. They're great. The hinges on the frames don't seem super rugged but, really, for $19.24, I can deal. If they turn out to be total crap, gluing the legs in the open position is always an option. I would totally recommend online glasses (at least from the website I tried) for those who love cows and love rhinestones.

Now back to your regularly scheduled winter hibernation.

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