Thursday, April 29, 2010

snow storm update

Just as the grass was getting long enough for a little here and there grazing, we got a giant snowstorm. Tuesday and Wednesday we got 20 inches of snow. Half of it has melted today under 50 degrees and sunny skies and the rest will probably go tomorrow as it is supposed to be even warmer.

I wanted to catch people up on my projects:

1) Lou-weeze - The broody hen - is still broody, but unfortunately, not interested on sitting on eggs as much as she is in sitting in her favourite nest box. Any attempt to move her to a more brooding friendly environment are met with a few days of compliance and then ... she abandons the nest and returns to her favourite nest box. One thing that happened when she was first broody was that the other chickens would love to get in the box with her and lay eggs in there. But now, as she has been broody for almost a month, the fervor for Lou-weeze's box has subsided in the flock. I might just let her sit on a few eggs in her own box and take the chicks as soon as they hatch and raise them myself.

2) bees - The bees seem to be settling in okay. On Satruday, I'll check them again to make sure they have enough food and that the queen is starting to lay eggs. I still haven't totally figured out how to keep my smoker going for more than 10 minutes (which I need on account of my novice bumbling) but the bees are very patient and I haven't been stung yet.

3) Cows - can't wait to go outside and eat grass.

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