Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Big Time

The sap didn't run very well today, so we didn't do any boiling. I had planned to try out the solar fence charger we have in order to get my cows back in their own little barn and outside run (the quagmire of our electric fence is a topic for anothe post). But when I got home, Peter thought we should go to the local maple supply store and get some bottles. He also wanted to check out a finishing pan. A finishing pan is especially for storing your almost finished syrup until you are ready to bottle. It is tall enough to float a hydrometer in and has a special spout for ease of bottling. Up until now Peter and his mom (mostly) have refined their own method of filtering syrup into bottles which would make MacGyver proud. I felt hesitant to spend 150 dollars on a gadget that I thought we didn't really need, but next year, when the sugar house isn't right next to our house (our plan to move our sugar house 2 miles away is a topic for another post too) we would have to get one anyway and the price would probably only have gone up, so we went ahead and got it. I'm not sure I would say it's worth every penny, but it is nice and, bottling out of the shiny metal spout without spilling one drop made me feel like we had reached the big time.

Of course, gentle readers, here is a plug for our syrup on Etsy.com: ivyandpeter.etsy.com

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